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Our customer commitment

We are accountable for the development, implementation and integrity of the overall regulatory framework across liquor, casino, registered clubs and gambling activities in NSW.

The scope of our work provides us with a broad customer base including: community members, people working in the industry, businesses owners, stakeholders from community organisations, NSW police, and more.

We are committed to providing customer service excellence across the breadth of our customers.

Our guiding principles

Deliver an excellent customer experience guided by:

  • anticipating your service needs
  • increasing and improving your access to information and guidance
  • providing authoritative, timely, and consistent services.

We are committed to service excellence

In our engagement with you, we commit to:

  • being accessible
  • communicating clearly
  • being accurate and consistent
  • being responsive and completing actions quickly
  • valuing and encouraging your feedback to drive our improvement.

Our actions will be

  • fair and impartial
  • professional
  • respectful
  • accountable
  • transparent.

We value your feedback

Your views and feedback are integral to improving our performance. If you have a concern about our performance or if we get something wrong, we want to hear about it. Similarly if you’ve had a great experience with one of our dedicated team, we’d love to hear that too. Both positive and negative feedback help us to strengthen our service to you.

Send your feedback now

Your privacy

We will protect your personal information. We respect your personal information and comply with the guidelines set out in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

You have the right to access any personal information we hold about you.