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Our Minister and Department

Photo of The Hon. David Harris, MP

The Hon. David Harris, MP

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty
Minister for Gaming and Racing
Minister for Veterans
Minister for Medical Research
Minister for the Central Coast

The Honourable David Harris, MP is responsible for liquor and gaming, and racing legislation.

Elizabeth Mildwater

Secretary – Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade

Elizabeth Mildwater is the Secretary of the Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade


Tarek Barakat

Deputy Secretary, Hospitality and Racing

Tarek Barakat is the Deputy Secretary of Hospitality and Racing within the Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade, and has responsibility for Liquor & Gaming NSW, the Office of Racing, and the Office of Responsible Gambling.

Our Department

Liquor & Gaming NSW is part of the Hospitality and Racing group within the NSW Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade. The group ensures a vibrant, safe and responsible hospitality and racing industry.

Read more about the NSW Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade.