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ClubGRANTS Review consultation

The ClubGRANTS scheme review is now open for public consultation.

What is the consultation about?

The ClubGRANTS Scheme (Scheme) has not been formally reviewed since 2013, when the Auditor-General of NSW conducted a performance audit of the Scheme’s management. The ClubGRANTS Guidelines have evolved since that time in response to technological changes, changes to the industry and externalities such as drought, bushfires, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic.

To ensure the NSW Government’s standards for grant programs are being met, the ClubGRANTS Review (Review) will determine whether the Scheme provides cost effective benefits to local communities, including whether the taxation arrangements are appropriate, whether the regulatory framework remains fir for purpose, and whether the administration of the Scheme meets contemporary standards.

This will include examining all aspects of the Scheme and all options for reform, including repealing, reforming or amending the current Scheme.

Liquor & Gaming NSW will lead the Review in consultation with The Cabinet Office and NSW Treasury. The Review will run separately to, but concurrently with, the cashless gaming trials and may seek views from the Independent Panel for Gaming Reform.

What's next

Liquor & Gaming NSW is seeking feedback until 18 March 2024 to inform the Review.

You can give us your feedback by:

Further information


Your written submission may be made publicly available. If you do not want your personal details or any part of your submission published, pelease indicate this clearly. Submission may be referred to in a report on the outcome of the consultation, however if you do now want your information made publicly available, your submission will be referred to an an anonymous submission. Survey responses will be de-identified and aggregated.

There may be time when the NSW Government must to release the information in written submission, such as under the Government Information (Public Acces) Act 2009.

The consultation will close on 18 March 2024 at 5:00pm.