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A number of the venues taking part in the NSW cashless gaming trial in 2024 are also participating in research, coordinated by an independent market research company: 3arc Social. Participants who join the Cashless Gaming Trial through these venues will be invited to take part in a 10–15-minute online survey about their experience, and some will also be invited to take part in a 60-minute online interview.

Why is research being done?

By talking to patrons, we hope to better understand the effect cashless gaming technology has on people’s experience of playing pokies, of managing their gambling, and what the future of cashless gaming technology should look like in NSW.

We need to understand whether cashless gaming gives you more control or less control over your gaming, and how the technology might be improved. We need to do this before the Government considers whether to use this technology across all pubs and clubs in NSW.

Who is doing the research?

3arc Social, in conjunction with researchers from the University of Adelaide, are responsible for the research.

3arc Social is a social research company based in Australia, who work with Federal and State Governments and other institutions to provide research, insights, and advanced analytics to inform strategy and policy. They are ISO 20252 accredited and comply with all Australian Privacy Principles.

Researchers working on this trial are highly experienced in research related to gambling.

The Independent Panel on Gaming Reform oversees the trial. L&GNSW, as the Panel Secretariat, are responsible for the day-to-day management and are overseeing the research activities.

Both the Independent Panel and L&GNSW will receive only anonymised data and findings and will not have access to identifiable information.

What do you need to do to participate in the research?

Trial participants who have used the technology at any time during the trial period will be invited via email to take part in the research.

Why should you participate in the research?

You can be among the first to test out the new cashless gaming technology and tell us what you think. Your opinion will help to shape the future of cashless gaming technology in NSW.

We will give everyone who completes a survey a $50 gift voucher for their time, and anyone who takes part in an interview will receive an additional $60 gift voucher.

How is your information kept private and confidential?

Your contact details will be sent to the researchers only for the purpose of contacting you to participate in this research. Any information you provide to 3arc Social will be stored securely on encrypted Australian servers and remain confidential. 3arc Social will never share any of your personal information.

Survey responses will be linked to app data and some gaming activity data by an anonymised trial ID, for the purpose of analysis. Before this happens, 3arc Social will remove all identifiable information from your survey responses (like your name) so that all data matched together will be entirely anonymous.

The researchers will also make use of de-identified gaming data from gaming machines for analysis purposes. No names or identifiable information will be associated.

All data will be kept strictly confidential and remain anonymous so that no individual can be identified. Data will be aggregated so that all findings are reported in group form.

Anonymised data and findings will be shared with the Independent Panel on Gambling Reform and L&GNSW.

What if you do not wish to participate in the research?

Participation in the research is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw from participating at any time.

When signing up to the technology trial, you will have either consented or declined to being contacted for research purposes. After a period of use of the technology, those who consented to be contacted will receive an email invitation to participate in the research. You are under no obligation to participate.

You can ignore the email or ‘opt out’ of future communications regarding the research.

What if you have concerns about your gambling, with the technology or otherwise?

We encourage you to speak to staff at the venue for assistance with using the technology, or about options available to you to help control your gambling. You can also contact GambleAware on 1800 858 858 or visit

Who can you contact if you have questions?

For any questions relating to the cashless gaming trial, you can contract the Independent Panel at

If you have specific questions about the research or how your data will be used, you can contact researchers at 3arc Social on

If you have questions regarding the ethical conduct of this research, please contact the Acting Chair of the Human Research Ethics Committee in the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide: Dr Diana Dorstyn -