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NCAT decisions

An application for a merits review of certain contentious decisions made by ILGA can be made to the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT), for applications lodged with ILGA from 1 March 2016.

ILGA decisions that are reviewable by NCAT are:

  • a grant or removal of a hotel licence
  • a grant or removal of a club licence
  • a grant or removal of an on premises licence relating to a public entertainment venue (other than a cinema or theatre) eg. a nightclub
  • a grant or removal of a packaged liquor licence, other than a licence limited to sales made through the internet, telephone and other remote means
  • an application for extended trading in relation to the above licences that permits the sale of liquor after midnight
  • an application to vary or revoke a licence condition in relation to the above licences to permit the sale of liquor after midnight
  • a gaming machine threshold application that relates to a class 2 local impact assessment
  • a licensing application which has been delegated by ILGA to be determined by Liquor & Gaming NSW, but that delegation has not been exercised.
  • a suspension of a venue's liquor licence for a first offence under the Minors Sanctions scheme
  • an imposition of a strike under the Three Strikes disciplinary scheme
  • a long-term banning order
  • Disciplinary action taken by the Authority in relation to a complaint

For reviewable licensing decisions, check the Liquor and Gaming Application Noticeboard for review period close dates.