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23 September 2024

Albury teen nightlife experience goes statewide

A new program originating in Albury is set to give teenagers across the state the skills they need to stay safe and feel comfortable when visiting licensed venues for the first time.

Pause Play aims to educate young people approaching the age of 18 on how to behave in licensed venues and includes a mock visit to a nightclub (without alcohol) outside the venue’s operating hours.

The program is now being offered to local Liquor Accords by the NSW Government and includes guidance on how to behave responsibly, an explanation of the Barred from One, Barred from All initiative, and real-life scenarios on what could go wrong and how to react.

Pause Play was developed by the Albury Liquor Accord and has already been delivered to 450 local high school students on the NSW border.

The program was showcased at the annual NSW Liquor Accords Forum in May, where it was picked up by the NSW Government so it could be rolled out across the state.

Hospitality & Racing NSW Director Industry and Community Engagement Melanie Brown said heading out to socialise at a pub or club was often a rite-of-passage for many teenagers when they turned 18.

“But the unknown can also be a bit intimidating, which is why Pause Play is so helpful in showing teenagers what to expect and how to stay safe,” Ms Brown said.

“It equips young people with the things they need to know so they can stay safe, feel comfortable and have a great time.

“This includes how to enter a licensed venue, interact with other patrons and get home safely.

“We want young people to go out and have a great time but also be aware of their surroundings.”

Resources being shared to Accords include a PowerPoint presentation, facilitator guide, draft event run sheet, venue/equipment guide and draft feedback/evaluation survey. Individual Accords can also create bespoke resources as required.

The program features practical tips on:

  • how to avoid confrontation
  • what to do if you feel unsafe
  • the dangers of drink spiking
  • how to avoid intoxication
  • the dangers of drug use.

Liquor Accords are partnerships between licensed venues, community members, businesses, councils, police and government departments which work together to develop practical solutions that address alcohol-related issues, anti-social behaviour and violence in local communities.

For more information, visit the NSW Liquor Accord network.