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Industry alert
30 August 2024

Gaming and Liquor Administration Regulation 2024 Remade

The new Gaming and Liquor Administration Regulation 2024 (GALA Regulation) comes into effect from 1 September 2024.

What’s changing?

The regulation remakes the previous 2016 Regulation with some minor amendments. This includes updating prescribed entities associated with information sharing between regulators (to support compliance and enforcement efforts) and government agencies (to support consideration of liquor licence applications). The remake also removes outdated or repealed provisions no longer required.

What does that mean for me?

As part of the GALA Regulation remake, all applications to increase gaming machine thresholds which require a Local Impact Assessment (LIA) will be able to undergo merits reviews. Previously only applications that required a Class 2 LIA could be reviewed.

Regulations are required to be periodically reviewed and automatically repealed unless action is taken.

The GALA Regulation supports the Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 and has been reviewed so that the legislation can continue to work effectively.

The review rights of all other gaming machine threshold applications, and other reviewable matters currently prescribed, remain unchanged.

Further information about gaming machine threshold applications is available on the Gaming machine licence and application fees page.