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29 May 2024

Liquor accords share insights to create safer communities

Creating safer and more vibrant communities was top of the agenda at the annual NSW Liquor Accords Forum in Newcastle yesterday.

Liquor accords are partnerships between licensed venues, community members, local businesses, councils, police and government departments who work together to develop practical solutions to address alcohol-related issues, anti-social behaviour and violence in local areas.

Representatives from across NSW came together at Newcastle City Hall on 28 May to connect, exchange ideas, learn about new initiatives and listen to guest speakers.

Hospitality and Racing Deputy Secretary Tarek Barakat said the aim of the forum was to equip local liquor accords to support the hospitality industry in creating safer venues.

“Delegates enjoyed the opportunity to connect with their peers from across the state and gain insights from speakers and panel discussions, as well as presentations from liquor accord representatives on the initiatives they have implemented locally,” Mr Barakat said.

“All presentations focused on best-practice examples so that other liquor accords can look to implement the actions and learnings in their own communities.”

Some of the initiatives discussed include:

  • Hastings Accord’s new website
  • Gulgong Accord’s community bus service
  • Albury Accord’s student education program about venues’ behavioral expectations of young patrons
  • explanations of the “barred from one barred from all” program, and some real-life scenarios of what can go wrong.