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20 April 2023

New campaign to combat anti-social behaviour

The NSW Government has unveiled a new campaign to tackle anti-social behaviour among younger patrons of licensed venues.

The “Just…Don’t” campaign targets drinking etiquette for younger patrons through a combination of digital and print resources.

Devised by the NSW Government in collaboration with the Maitland Liquor Accord, the campaign targets young people attending bars, pubs and clubs.

The hospitality sector has faced challenges with anti-social behaviour among younger patrons particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With extended lockdowns, a generation of young adults in communities across NSW has missed out on a gradual ease into socialising at licensed venues.

The campaign aims to reduce irresponsible and potentially harmful behaviour and pave the way for younger generations to develop a responsible drinking culture.

President of the Maitland Liquor Accord Neil Hedges said the accord is proud to collaborate with the NSW Government in launching the campaign.

“We believe this campaign will provide essential resources to educate and empower young people to make responsible decisions while drinking,” Mr Hedges said.

The campaign includes posters and coasters as print resources for venues to use in their premises. Videos, social media tiles and digital assets can be used by accord members via their social channels.

Liquor Accords are made up of liquor licensees, community members, businesses, local councils, police, government departments and other community groups. These groups work together to develop strategies tackling alcohol-related issues, anti-social behaviour and violence in local areas.

The accords’ ongoing work will be guided by the new Liquor Accord Strategy 2023-2025 developed by Liquor & Gaming NSW.

The strategy identifies five key priorities to support and strengthen liquor accords to support local solutions to local issues and a self-sustaining liquor accord network. It focuses on reducing alcohol-related harm and improving community safety and well-being.

“Just…Don’t” campaign resources can be downloaded here.

To view the Liquor Accord Strategy 2023-2025, please visit Liquor Accords Strategy 2023-2025 | Liquor & Gaming NSW publication PDF, 2012.66 KB