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Industry alert
3 June 2024

Same day delivery age verification requirements update

Changes to temporary age verification requirements for same day alcohol providers

The NSW Government has made changes to the age verification requirements for same day alcohol providers at point of sale.

What are the changes?

Previously, two temporary alternative age verification options available to same day alcohol providers were due to end on 31 May 2024.

They are:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) based authentication of evidence of age document, or
  • Requiring the purchaser to make a statement

These options are no longer temporary and can continue to be used by same day alcohol providers on an ongoing basis.

The Commonwealth Government may no longer be progressing accreditation applications under the Trusted Digital Identity Framework (TDIF). However, all accredited age verification providers or provisionally accepted providers who applied for accreditation before 1 October 2022 and have not been refused accreditation can continue to offer accreditation services to same day alcohol providers.

These small changes should provide stability to same day alcohol providers to continue operating as they had been for the past 12 months.

Liquor & Gaming NSW is continuing to monitor changes to the Commonwealth Government’s accreditation framework for age verification services.

Further information about same day delivery age verification requirements is available.