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Industry alert
29 May 2024

Undesirable Ready-to-Drink Liquor Products

Certain ready-to-drink liquor products have been determined to be 'undesirable' under NSW liquor legislation

Liquor & Gaming NSW (L&GNSW) considers alcoholic versions of soft-drinks and liquor products which reference confectionary and dessert products to be a high-risk of being attractive to minors.

L&GNSW has determined several ready-to-drink liquor products to be ‘undesirable’ under the Liquor Act 2007 (the Act) due to their likely appeal to minors. An agreement has been reached with two Australian beverage manufacturers to cease supply of the products to NSW.

What ready-to-drink liquor products are affected?

The affected products are:

  • Hard Solo

Within the Billson’s Premixed Vodka range:

  • Musk
  • Lamington
  • Cake
  • Banoffee
  • Pavlova
  • Lemon Meringue
  • Berry Jelly
  • Turkish Delight
  • Pink Clouds

Discontinued ready-to-drink liquor products

Following engagement with L&GNSW and the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code Scheme (ABAC), the following Billson’s products have been discontinued or have changed name and design to no longer reference flavours or products popular with minors, or otherwise appeal to minors:

  • Toffee Apple (discontinued)
  • Fairy Floss (discontinued)
  • Lemonade popsicle (changed to Lemon Splash)
  • Tropical Punch (changed to Tropical)
  • Grape Bubblegum (changed to Grape Burst)
  • Rainbow Sherbet (changed to Retro Fizz)
  • Fruit Tangle (changed to Tangle)
  • Creamy Soda (changed to Creamy)

L&GNSW similarly considers the ‘original’ versions of the above products to be undesirable under the Act due to a likely appeal to minors.

Regulatory action may be taken

Through engagement with each manufacturer, L&GNSW has sought to minimise alcohol-related risks to the community, particularly to minors. L&GNSW welcomes the undertakings given by these manufacturers to cease supply of the products to NSW. However, L&GNSW is aware that a small amount of residual stock of some of the above products is still available for sale in NSW.

What do I need to do?

  • NSW retailers are encouraged to remove the undesirable products listed above from stock, together with any related promotional material. For example, promotional material which references ‘Hard Solo’ should not be used to promote the rebranded version of this product.
  • Retailers are discouraged from offering discounts on these products or otherwise promoting them in an irresponsible manner.

Information about licensees’ responsibilities associated with running liquor promotions can be found in L&GNSW’s Liquor Promotion Guidelines.

What happens now?

L&GNSW will continue to monitor the availability and promotion of these products in NSW and will take a risk-based approach when considering whether regulatory action is necessary under sections 101 or 102 of the Act to prohibit the sale or promotion of these products.

L&GNSW is also currently consulting with industry and health representatives on the possibility of further guidelines and/or regulatory action in relation to ‘alcoholic soft drink’ products. L&GNSW will advise retailers about any changes as they arise.

If you have questions in relation to the above, please contact