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The Liquor Accord Advisory Committee (LAAC) was established in 2019 to draw on the reach, expertise and background of its members to effectively coordinate resources and efforts in strengthening the Liquor Accord network.

The Committee meets quarterly to discuss emerging issues and trends, propose future campaign ideas and provide feedback on the development of resources. Members also help raise the profile of Liquor Accords through their networks and are integral to the ongoing commitment to industry and government collaboration.

Membership TypeMember/Organisation
Peak bodies, industry associations and government agencies.
  • Australian Hotels Association
  • ClubsNSW
  • Independent Bars Association
  • Restaurant & Caterers Association
  • Retail Drinks Australia
  • NSW Police - Regional Licensing Coordinators
  • Liquor & Gaming NSW
Liquor accord representatives
  • City of Sydney Council
  • Albury Liquor Accord
  • Burwood Liquor Accord
  • Campbelltown Liquor Accord
  • Camden Liquor Accord
  • Eastern Beaches Liquor Accord
  • Endeavour Group
  • Hastings Liquor Accord
  • Kiama Liquor Accord
  • Northern Beaches Liquor Accord
  • Sydney Harbour Liquor Accord

The Liquor Accord Advisory Committee (LAAC) provides a forum for members to collaborate on their support of the liquor accord network.

Liquor accords are partnerships among licensed venues, community members, local businesses, local councils, police, government departments and other community groups. Liquor accords aim to reduce alcohol-related issues, anti-social behaviour and violence. In NSW, there are over 140 liquor accords in operation with varying levels of structure and governance in place.

This document provides a description of the role, composition and function of the Liquor Accord Advisory Committee.


The purpose of the committee is to draw on the reach, expertise and background of its members from industry and government in order to:

  • coordinate resources and efforts for strengthening the liquor accord network
  • identify and understand emerging issues and risks
  • leverage effective strategies across the network.

The Advisory Committee will:

  • recommend actions or strategies to strengthen the liquor accord network and increase its impact on local communities across NSW
  • identify emerging trends, risks and issues across NSW
  • discuss and promote resources and education initiatives that develop and support liquor accord groups to implement harm minimisation strategies
  • identify and develop relevant governance tools that support liquor accord groups to function effectively
  • encourage liquor accord groups to implement and adopt strategies that are proven to be effective in addressing local issues
  • foster collaboration between committee members to assist in the support provided to the liquor accord network.

Membership and tenure

The committee comprises representatives from key peak bodies, industry associations and government agencies who have specific expertise and experience in the field of the liquor industry and liquor accords.

Liquor accord representatives may also be invited to attend the committee meetings as subject matter experts, when relevant.

Membership typeRepresentation and tenure
Peak bodies, industry associations and government agencies

A designated representative from the organisation is permitted to attend meetings, with the option to send an alternative delegate based on availability.

If an organisation opts to send multiple representatives to a meeting, the organisation will be entitled to only one vote (where a vote is required).

Membership on the committee will be ongoing.

Liquor accord representatives

A designated representative from the accord is permitted to attend meetings, with the option to send an alternative delegate based on availability.

If an accord opts to send multiple representatives to a meeting, the accord will be entitled to only one vote (where a vote is required).

Liquor accord representatives will be appointed for a fixed term of 12-months. After this date, members will need to reapply through an expression of interest.

Peak body, industry association and government agency member organisations can nominate peer organisations at any time for consideration/vote by the broader committee.

An Expression of Interest (EOI) process will be held annually to seek representation from liquor accords. This process involves submitting an application detailing qualifications, experience, and reasons for wanting to join the committee. Once applications are received, peak body, industry association and government agency members will review and assess suitability of each candidate based on predetermined criteria. Following this review, a vote will be conducted by the peak association and government agency members only.


To maximise efficacy of the committee, every effort should be made to maintain consistent participation. Committee members are required to attend a minimum of two committee meetings in a 12-month period.

A member may send a delegate in their absence with the approval of the Chair.

Role of Participants

Participants are expected to:

  • contribute honestly and in the spirit of open and effective collaboration
  • be prepared for meetings by reading/reviewing all relevant documentation
  • undertake consultation and research to support and promote discussion of agenda items.


The Committee is chaired by the Director Industry & Community Engagement, Liquor & Gaming NSW, Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport (DCITHS) or a delegated representative.

The Chair will nominate another member to be Chair in their absence.


Secretariat services are provided by the Liquor Accord team.

The secretary is responsible for ensuring the agenda for all meetings is prepared and circulated to members and attendees in accordance with the table below.

The secretary is responsible for recording the proceedings and the decisions of Liquor Accord Advisory Committee meetings, including the preservation of those records in the CM10 information management system. The minutes of a meeting shall be circulated to all members, as appropriate, taking into account any conflicts of interest that may exist.

Minutes are not to be distributed to persons outside the group without the prior approval of the Chair.


The Committee will meet quarterly on the third Wednesday of February, May, August and November. Additional meetings may be convened to pursue specific matters outside the regular committee meeting. Meeting dates may be changed if needed with prior reasonable notice to members.

Agenda papers and minutes

Agenda, minutes and supporting documents will generally follow the timeframes below:

ItemTimeframe (business days)
Nomination of agenda items to secretariatAt least fourteen (14) days prior to meeting
Agenda and papers to committee membersAt least seven (7) days before meeting
Minutes circulated to committeeWithin two (2) days of meeting


Members and observers may, from time to time, be privy to confidential or personal information. Participants acknowledge their responsibility to maintain confidentiality of all information not in the public domain and to comply with relevant Department policies and applicable legislation including the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

In the event a participant becomes aware of a potential privacy breach they shall report the incident to the Chair immediately, who may take further action.

Conflicts of interest

All attendees, including observers, must declare any conflicts of interest (actual, potential or reasonably perceived) in relation to any of the matters on the agenda at the outset of the meeting, or as soon as becoming aware.


The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually and revised to reflect changes in policy and membership.